Authors |
Malyy Aleksandr Fedorovich, Doctor of juridical sciences, professor, sub-department of constitutional and administrative law, Kazan Federal University (18 Kremlyovskaya street, Kazan, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. Problems of protection of rights of smaller peoples are the subject of research by representatives of various branches of knowledge. The debate conti-nues as to the completeness and scope of rights of smaller peoples, the effectiveness of their implementation, the use of terminology structures and the content of the concepts themselves. The potential for realization of rights of smaller peoples by lo-cal self-government has not been fully used, although the possibilities for this have been provided in the federal and regional laws on local self-government and other legal acts. The research objective is to identify the forms of local self-government’s involvement in protection of rights of smaller peoples of the Russian Federation, to determine the direction of such participation on the basis of the experience of dif-ferent regions of Russia.
Materials and methods. The tasks were implemented on the basis of an analysis of existing federal and regional regulations, fixing the bases of interaction of local self-governments with smaller peoples. The methods of the study included regulato-ry analysis, legal-historical and comparative-legal methods.
Results. The author has revealed basic areas, in which local authorities ensure implementation of the legislation aimed at protecting rights of smaller peoples. There has been revealed three areas of cooperation between local self-governments and smaller peoples: organizational, socioeconomic, political. The subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities have an experience of regulatory interaction of smaller peoples with public authorities. The researcher has conlcuded about the need for compiling and disseminating the experience of the Russian Federation, municipalities to regulate diverse relations with smaller peoples.
References |
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